
1935. 可以输入的最大单词数

1935. 可以输入的最大单词数

🟢 Easy  🔖  哈希表 字符串  🔗 力扣open in new window LeetCodeopen in new window


There is a malfunctioning keyboard where some letter keys do not work. All other keys on the keyboard work properly.

Given a string text of words separated by a single space (no leading or trailing spaces) and a string brokenLetters of all distinct letter keys that are broken, return thenumber of words in text you can fully type using this keyboard.

Example 1:

Input: text = "hello world", brokenLetters = "ad"

Output: 1

Explanation: We cannot type "world" because the 'd' key is broken.

Example 2:

Input: text = "leet code", brokenLetters = "lt"

Output: 1

Explanation: We cannot type "leet" because the 'l' and 't' keys are broken.

Example 3:

Input: text = "leet code", brokenLetters = "e"

Output: 0

Explanation: We cannot type either word because the 'e' key is broken.


  • 1 <= text.length <= 10^4
  • 0 <= brokenLetters.length <= 26
  • text consists of words separated by a single space without any leading or trailing spaces.
  • Each word only consists of lowercase English letters.
  • brokenLetters consists of distinct lowercase English letters.



给你一个由若干单词组成的字符串 text ,单词间由单个空格组成(不含前导和尾随空格);另有一个字符串 brokenLetters ,由所有已损坏的不同字母键组成,返回你可以使用此键盘完全输入的 text 中单词的数目。

示例 1:

输入: text = "hello world", brokenLetters = "ad"

输出: 1

解释: 无法输入 "world" ,因为字母键 'd' 已损坏。

示例 2:

输入: text = "leet code", brokenLetters = "lt"

输出: 1

解释: 无法输入 "leet" ,因为字母键 'l' 和 't' 已损坏。

示例 3:

输入: text = "leet code", brokenLetters = "e"

输出: 0

解释: 无法输入任何单词,因为字母键 'e' 已损坏。


  • 1 <= text.length <= 10^4
  • 0 <= brokenLetters.length <= 26
  • text 由若干用单个空格分隔的单词组成,且不含任何前导和尾随空格
  • 每个单词仅由小写英文字母组成
  • brokenLetters互不相同 的小写英文字母组成


  1. 分割单词

    • 使用 split(' ')text 按空格分割为多个单词。
  2. 处理损坏字符

    • brokenLetters 为空,直接返回单词总数。
    • 使用 Set 数据结构存储 brokenLetters 的字符,方便快速查找是否存在某个损坏的字符。
  3. 遍历单词

    • 对每个单词,逐字符检查是否包含在 broken 集合中。
    • 如果存在任意一个字符在 broken 中,则当前单词无法输入,计入 brokenCount
  4. 计算可输入单词数

    • 总单词数减去无法输入的单词数即为结果。


  • 时间复杂度O(n + k)

    • 分割单词:O(k),其中 k 为损坏字符串 text 的长度。
    • 遍历单词:假设单词总长度为 n,每个字符需要 O(1) 时间检查是否存在于 broken 集合中,总耗时 O(n)
    • 总时间复杂度:O(n + k)
  • 空间复杂度O(n)

    • 主要为单词列表 words 数组所占用的空间。
    • broken 集合存储损坏字母最多 O(26),可视为 O(1)


 * @param {string} text
 * @param {string} brokenLetters
 * @return {number}
var canBeTypedWords = function (text, brokenLetters) {
	const words = text.split(' ');

	if (brokenLetters.length == 0) return words.length;

	let broken = new Set(brokenLetters.split(''));
	let brokenCount = 0;
	for (let word of words) {
		for (let char of word) {
			if (broken.has(char)) {
	return words.length - brokenCount;