1926. 迷宫中离入口最近的出口
1926. 迷宫中离入口最近的出口
🟠 🔖 广度优先搜索
🔗 力扣
You are given an m x n
matrix maze
(0-indexed) with empty cells (represented as '.'
) and walls (represented as '+'
). You are also given the entrance
of the maze, where entrance = [entrancerow, entrancecol]
denotes the row and column of the cell you are initially standing at.
In one step, you can move one cell up , down , left , or right. You cannot step into a cell with a wall, and you cannot step outside the maze. Your goal is to find the nearest exit from the entrance
. An exit is defined as an empty cell that is at the border of the maze
. The entrance
does not count as an exit.
Return _thenumber of steps in the shortest path from the _entrance
to the nearest exit, or-1
if no such path exists.
Example 1:

Input: maze = [["+","+",".","+"],[".",".",".","+"],["+","+","+","."]], entrance = [1,2]
Output: 1
Explanation: There are 3 exits in this maze at [1,0], [0,2], and [2,3].
Initially, you are at the entrance cell [1,2].
- You can reach [1,0] by moving 2 steps left.
- You can reach [0,2] by moving 1 step up.
It is impossible to reach [2,3] from the entrance.
Thus, the nearest exit is [0,2], which is 1 step away.
Example 2:

Input: maze = [["+","+","+"],[".",".","."],["+","+","+"]], entrance = [1,0]
Output: 2
Explanation: There is 1 exit in this maze at [1,2].
[1,0] does not count as an exit since it is the entrance cell.
Initially, you are at the entrance cell [1,0].
- You can reach [1,2] by moving 2 steps right.
Thus, the nearest exit is [1,2], which is 2 steps away.
Example 3:

Input: maze = [[".","+"]], entrance = [0,0]
Output: -1
Explanation: There are no exits in this maze.
maze.length == m
maze[i].length == n
1 <= m, n <= 100
is either'.'
.entrance.length == 2
0 <= entrancerow < m
0 <= entrancecol < n
will always be an empty cell.
给你一个 m x n
的迷宫矩阵 maze
(下标从 0 开始 ),矩阵中有空格子(用 '.'
表示)和墙(用 '+'
表示)。同时给你迷宫的入口 entrance
,用 entrance = [entrancerow, entrancecol]
每一步操作,你可以往 上 ,下 ,左 或者 右 移动一个格子。你不能进入墙所在的格子,你也不能离开迷宫。你的目标是找到离 entrance
最近 的出口。出口 的含义是 maze
边界 上的 空格子 。entrance
格子 不算 出口。
请你返回从 entrance
到最近出口的最短路径的 步数 ,如果不存在这样的路径,请你返回 -1
示例 1:

输入: maze = [["+","+",".","+"],[".",".",".","+"],["+","+","+","."]], entrance = [1,2]
输出: 1
解释: 总共有 3 个出口,分别位于 (1,0),(0,2) 和 (2,3) 。
一开始,你在入口格子 (1,2) 处。
- 你可以往左移动 2 步到达 (1,0) 。
- 你可以往上移动 1 步到达 (0,2) 。
从入口处没法到达 (2,3) 。
所以,最近的出口是 (0,2) ,距离为 1 步。
示例 2:

输入: maze = [["+","+","+"],[".",".","."],["+","+","+"]], entrance = [1,0]
输出: 2
解释: 迷宫中只有 1 个出口,在 (1,2) 处。
(1,0) 不算出口,因为它是入口格子。
初始时,你在入口与格子 (1,0) 处。
- 你可以往右移动 2 步到达 (1,2) 处。
所以,最近的出口为 (1,2) ,距离为 2 步。
示例 3:

输入: maze = [[".","+"]], entrance = [0,0]
输出: -1
解释: 这个迷宫中没有出口。
maze.length == m
maze[i].length == n
1 <= m, n <= 100
。entrance.length == 2
0 <= entrancerow < m
0 <= entrancecol < n
可以将迷宫抽象为图,网格的每个空格子 '.' 是图的节点,相邻的上下左右方向可以看作边,表示可以移动到下一个节点。
利用 广度优先搜索(BFS) 遍历图,因为 BFS 会优先找到距离入口最近的出口。同时记录已访问过的节点,避免重复遍历。
- 初始化队列
,存储当前节点坐标及其到入口的步数[row, col, steps]
。 - 将入口坐标加入队列并标记为已访问。
- 开始 BFS:
- 每次从队列中取出一个节点。
- 遍历其上下左右的相邻节点:
- 如果该节点是出口,返回步数。
- 如果该节点是未访问的空格子,则加入队列并标记为已访问。
- 如果所有节点都遍历完,仍无出口,则返回 -1。
- 时间复杂度:
O(m * n)
分别是迷宫的行数和列数。使用 BFS 遍历迷宫时,每个节点最多被访问一次,总访问的节点数为O(m * n)
,每次访问会检查其最多 4 个邻居(上下左右),邻居检查的次数与节点数成比例。 - 空间复杂度:
O(m * n)
。- 队列空间:在最坏情况下,队列中可能同时存储所有未访问节点。
- 标记空间:直接在输入的
* @param {character[][]} maze
* @param {number[]} entrance
* @return {number}
var nearestExit = function (maze, entrance) {
const rows = maze.length;
const cols = maze[0].length;
const directions = [
[-1, 0], // 上
[1, 0], // 下
[0, -1], // 左
[0, 1] // 右
// 初始化队列和访问标记
const queue = [[entrance[0], entrance[1], 0]]; // [row, col, steps]
maze[entrance[0]][entrance[1]] = '+'; // 标记入口为已访问
while (queue.length > 0) {
const [row, col, steps] = queue.shift();
for (const [dr, dc] of directions) {
const newRow = row + dr;
const newCol = col + dc;
// 检查新位置是否有效且未访问
if (
newRow >= 0 &&
newRow < rows &&
newCol >= 0 &&
newCol < cols &&
maze[newRow][newCol] === '.'
) {
// 检查是否为出口
if (
newRow === 0 ||
newRow === rows - 1 ||
newCol === 0 ||
newCol === cols - 1
) {
return steps + 1;
// 标记为已访问并加入队列
maze[newRow][newCol] = '+';
queue.push([newRow, newCol, steps + 1]);
return -1; // 没有找到出口