
1592. 重新排列单词间的空格

1592. 重新排列单词间的空格

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You are given a string text of words that are placed among some number of spaces. Each word consists of one or more lowercase English letters and are separated by at least one space. It's guaranteed that text contains at least one word.

Rearrange the spaces so that there is an equal number of spaces between every pair of adjacent words and that number is maximized. If you cannot redistribute all the spaces equally, place the extra spaces at the end , meaning the returned string should be the same length as text.

Return the string after rearranging the spaces.

Example 1:

Input: text = " this is a sentence "

Output: "this is a sentence"

Explanation: There are a total of 9 spaces and 4 words. We can evenly divide the 9 spaces between the words: 9 / (4-1) = 3 spaces.

Example 2:

Input: text = " practice makes perfect"

Output: "practice makes perfect "

Explanation: There are a total of 7 spaces and 3 words. 7 / (3-1) = 3 spaces plus 1 extra space. We place this extra space at the end of the string.


  • 1 <= text.length <= 100
  • text consists of lowercase English letters and ' '.
  • text contains at least one word.


给你一个字符串 text ,该字符串由若干被空格包围的单词组成。每个单词由一个或者多个小写英文字母组成,并且两个单词之间至少存在一个空格。题目测试用例保证 text至少包含一个单词

请你重新排列空格,使每对相邻单词之间的空格数目都 相等 ,并尽可能 最大化 该数目。如果不能重新平均分配所有空格,请 将多余的空格放置在字符串末尾 ,这也意味着返回的字符串应当与原 text 字符串的长度相等。

返回 重新排列空格后的字符串

示例 1:

输入: text = " this is a sentence "

输出: "this is a sentence"

解释: 总共有 9 个空格和 4 个单词。可以将 9 个空格平均分配到相邻单词之间,相邻单词间空格数为:9 / (4-1) = 3 个。

示例 2:

输入: text = " practice makes perfect"

输出: "practice makes perfect "

解释: 总共有 7 个空格和 3 个单词。7 / (3-1) = 3 个空格加上 1 个多余的空格。多余的空格需要放在字符串的末尾。

示例 3:

输入: text = "hello world"

输出: "hello world"

示例 4:

输入: text = " walks udp package into bar a"

输出: "walks udp package into bar a "

示例 5:

输入: text = "a"

输出: "a"


  • 1 <= text.length <= 100
  • text 由小写英文字母和 ' ' 组成
  • text 中至少包含一个单词


  1. **分割字符串:**使用 split(' ') 将字符串按空格分隔成数组

  2. **统计空格总数:**通过分割后的数组长度减一,来统计字符串中 ' ' 的个数。

  3. **提取有效单词:**使用 filter 去掉空元素,提取有效单词。

  4. **处理特殊情况:**如果只有一个单词,直接在单词后面拼接所有的空格即可。

  5. **均分空格:**计算每对单词之间分配的空格数 spaceBetween 和多余的空格数 extraSpaces

  6. **拼接结果:**用 join 方法将单词以 spaceBetween 个空格连接起来,并在末尾添加多余的空格。


  • 时间复杂度O(n),遍历字符串统计空格和提取单词的操作。
  • 空间复杂度O(n),使用了额外的数组来存储单词列表。


 * @param {string} text
 * @return {string}
var reorderSpaces = function (text) {
	let words = text.split(' ');
	// 统计空格总数
	const spaces = words.length - 1;
	// 提取单词
	words = words.filter((i) => i !== '');

	// 如果只有一个单词或没有单词,直接返回单词加上所有剩余空格
	if (words.length === 1) {
		return words[0] + ' '.repeat(spaces);
	// 计算每对单词之间分配的空格数,以及剩余空格
	const spaceBetween = Math.floor(spaces / (words.length - 1));
	const extraSpaces = spaces % (words.length - 1);

	// 拼接单词,并添加多余的空格
	return words.join(' '.repeat(spaceBetween)) + ' '.repeat(extraSpaces);


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