
1528. 重新排列字符串

1528. 重新排列字符串

🟢   🔖  数组 字符串  🔗 力扣open in new window LeetCodeopen in new window


You are given a string s and an integer array indices of the same length. The string s will be shuffled such that the character at the ith position moves to indices[i] in the shuffled string.

Return the shuffled string.

Example 1:

Input: s = "codeleet", indices = [4,5,6,7,0,2,1,3]

Output: "leetcode"

Explanation: As shown, "codeleet" becomes "leetcode" after shuffling.

Example 2:

Input: s = "abc", indices = [0,1,2]

Output: "abc"

Explanation: After shuffling, each character remains in its position.


  • s.length == indices.length == n
  • 1 <= n <= 100
  • s consists of only lowercase English letters.
  • 0 <= indices[i] < n
  • All values of indices are unique.


给你一个字符串 s 和一个 长度相同 的整数数组 indices

请你重新排列字符串 s ,其中第 i 个字符需要移动到 indices[i] 指示的位置。


示例 1:

输入: s = "codeleet", indices = [4,5,6,7,0,2,1,3]

输出: "leetcode"

解释: 如图所示,"codeleet" 重新排列后变为 "leetcode" 。

示例 2:

输入: s = "abc", indices = [0,1,2]

输出: "abc"

解释: 重新排列后,每个字符都还留在原来的位置上。


  • s.length == indices.length == n
  • 1 <= n <= 100
  • s 仅包含小写英文字母
  • 0 <= indices[i] < n
  • indices 的所有的值都是 唯一


  1. 创建一个与字符串 s 长度相同的数组 res 用于存储重新排列的字符。

  2. 遍历字符串和 indices 数组,对于字符串 s 中的每个字符以及对应的 indices[i],将字符放到结果数组的正确位置: res[indices[i]] = s[i]

  3. 使用 join 方法将数组 res 转换为一个字符串。


  • 时间复杂度O(n),其中 n 是字符串的长度,需要遍历字符串一次。
  • 空间复杂度O(n),使用了一个长度为 n 的结果数组 res


 * @param {string} s
 * @param {number[]} indices
 * @return {string}
var restoreString = function (s, indices) {
	let res = new Array(s.length); // 初始化结果数组
	for (let i = 0; i < s.length; i++) {
		res[indices[i]] = s[i]; // 根据索引重新排列字符
	return res.join(''); // 转换为字符串并返回