
2303. 计算应缴税款总额

2303. 计算应缴税款总额

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You are given a 0-indexed 2D integer array brackets where brackets[i] = [upperi, percenti] means that the ith tax bracket has an upper bound of upperi and is taxed at a rate of percenti. The brackets are sorted by upper bound (i.e. upperi-1 < upperi for 0 < i < brackets.length).

Tax is calculated as follows:

  • The first upper0 dollars earned are taxed at a rate of percent0.
  • The next upper1 - upper0 dollars earned are taxed at a rate of percent1.
  • The next upper2 - upper1 dollars earned are taxed at a rate of percent2.
  • And so on.

You are given an integer income representing the amount of money you earned. Return the amount of money that you have to pay in taxes. Answers within 10-5 of the actual answer will be accepted.

Example 1:

Input: brackets = [[3,50],[7,10],[12,25]], income = 10

Output: 2.65000


Based on your income, you have 3 dollars in the 1st tax bracket, 4 dollars in the 2nd tax bracket, and 3 dollars in the 3rd tax bracket.

The tax rate for the three tax brackets is 50%, 10%, and 25%, respectively.

In total, you pay $3 _ 50% + $4 _ 10% + $3 * 25% = $2.65 in taxes.

Example 2:

Input: brackets = [[1,0],[4,25],[5,50]], income = 2

Output: 0.25000


Based on your income, you have 1 dollar in the 1st tax bracket and 1 dollar in the 2nd tax bracket.

The tax rate for the two tax brackets is 0% and 25%, respectively.

In total, you pay $1 _ 0% + $1 _ 25% = $0.25 in taxes.

Example 3:

Input: brackets = [[2,50]], income = 0

Output: 0.00000


You have no income to tax, so you have to pay a total of $0 in taxes.


  • 1 <= brackets.length <= 100
  • 1 <= upperi <= 1000
  • 0 <= percenti <= 100
  • 0 <= income <= 1000
  • upperi is sorted in ascending order.
  • All the values of upperi are unique.
  • The upper bound of the last tax bracket is greater than or equal to income.


给你一个下标从 0 开始的二维整数数组 brackets ,其中 brackets[i] = [upperi, percenti] ,表示第 i 个税级的上限是 upperi ,征收的税率为 percenti 。税级按上限 从低到高排序 (在满足 0 < i < brackets.length 的前提下,upperi-1 < upperi)。


  • 不超过 upper0 的收入按税率 percent0 缴纳
  • 接着 upper1 - upper0 的部分按税率 percent1 缴纳
  • 然后 upper2 - upper1 的部分按税率 percent2 缴纳
  • 以此类推

给你一个整数 income 表示你的总收入。返回你需要缴纳的税款总额。与标准答案误差不超 10-5 的结果将被视作正确答案。

示例 1:

输入: brackets = [[3,50],[7,10],[12,25]], income = 10

输出: 2.65000


前 $3 的税率为 50% 。需要支付税款 $3 * 50% = $1.50 。

接下来 $7 - $3 = $4 的税率为 10% 。需要支付税款 $4 * 10% = $0.40 。

最后 $10 - $7 = $3 的税率为 25% 。需要支付税款 $3 * 25% = $0.75 。

需要支付的税款总计 $1.50 + $0.40 + $0.75 = $2.65 。

示例 2:

输入: brackets = [[1,0],[4,25],[5,50]], income = 2

输出: 0.25000


前 $1 的税率为 0% 。需要支付税款 $1 * 0% = $0 。

剩下 $1 的税率为 25% 。需要支付税款 $1 * 25% = $0.25 。

需要支付的税款总计 $0 + $0.25 = $0.25 。

示例 3:

输入: brackets = [[2,50]], income = 0

输出: 0.00000


没有收入,无需纳税,需要支付的税款总计 $0 。


  • 1 <= brackets.length <= 100
  • 1 <= upperi <= 1000
  • 0 <= percenti <= 100
  • 0 <= income <= 1000
  • upperi 按递增顺序排列
  • upperi 中的所有值 互不相同
  • 最后一个税级的上限大于等于 income


  1. 初始化变量

    • taxes:记录总税额,初始值为 0。
    • prev:记录上一段税率的上限,用于计算当前段的收入区间,初始值为 0。
  2. 遍历税率区间

    • 每个区间由两个值组成:upper(当前段的上限)和 percent(当前段的税率)。
    • 如果当前收入 income 大于上一段的上限 prev
      • 计算当前段的应税收入为 Math.min(income, upper) - prev
      • 计算该段的税额为 (应税收入) * percent 并累加到 taxes
      • 更新 prevupper
  3. 结束条件

    • 如果当前收入 income 小于或等于 prev,则退出循环。
  4. 返回结果

    • 总税额 taxes 是以百分比为单位计算的,因此需要除以 100,返回 taxes / 100


  • 时间复杂度O(n),其中 n 是税率区间的数量,需要遍历一次 brackets 数组。
  • 空间复杂度O(1),只使用了常数额外空间。


 * @param {number[][]} brackets
 * @param {number} income
 * @return {number}
var calculateTax = function (brackets, income) {
	let taxes = 0,
		prev = 0;
	for (let [upper, percent] of brackets) {
		if (income > prev) {
			taxes += (Math.min(income, upper) - prev) * percent;
			prev = upper;
		} else {
	return taxes / 100;