
2622. 有时间限制的缓存

2622. 有时间限制的缓存open in new window

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Write a class that allows getting and setting key-value pairs, however a time until expiration is associated with each key.

The class has three public methods:

set(key, value, duration): accepts an integer key, an integer value, and a duration in milliseconds. Once the duration has elapsed, the key should be inaccessible. The method should return true if the same un-expired key already exists and false otherwise. Both the value and duration should be overwritten if the key already exists.

get(key): if an un-expired key exists, it should return the associated value. Otherwise it should return -1.

count(): returns the count of un-expired keys.

Example 1:


actions = ["TimeLimitedCache", "set", "get", "count", "get"]

values = [[], [1, 42, 100], [1], [], [1]]

timeDelays = [0, 0, 50, 50, 150]

Output: [null, false, 42, 1, -1]


At t=0, the cache is constructed.

At t=0, a key-value pair (1: 42) is added with a time limit of 100ms. The value doesn't exist so false is returned.

At t=50, key=1 is requested and the value of 42 is returned.

At t=50, count() is called and there is one active key in the cache.

At t=100, key=1 expires.

At t=150, get(1) is called but -1 is returned because the cache is empty.

Example 2:


actions = ["TimeLimitedCache", "set", "set", "get", "get", "get", "count"]

values = [[], [1, 42, 50], [1, 50, 100], [1], [1], [1], []]

timeDelays = [0, 0, 40, 50, 120, 200, 250]

Output: [null, false, true, 50, 50, -1, 0]


At t=0, the cache is constructed.

At t=0, a key-value pair (1: 42) is added with a time limit of 50ms. The value doesn't exist so false is returned.

At t=40, a key-value pair (1: 50) is added with a time limit of 100ms. A non-expired value already existed so true is returned and the old value was overwritten.

At t=50, get(1) is called which returned 50.

At t=120, get(1) is called which returned 50.

At t=140, key=1 expires.

At t=200, get(1) is called but the cache is empty so -1 is returned.

At t=250, count() returns 0 because the cache is empty.


  • 0 <= key, value <= 10^9
  • 0 <= duration <= 1000
  • 1 <= actions.length <= 100
  • actions.length === values.length
  • actions.length === timeDelays.length
  • 0 <= timeDelays[i] <= 1450
  • actions[i] is one of "TimeLimitedCache", "set", "get" and "count"
  • First action is always "TimeLimitedCache" and must be executed immediately, with a 0-millisecond delay


编写一个类,它允许获取和设置键-值对,并且每个键都有一个 过期时间


set(key, value, duration) :接收参数为整型键 key 、整型值 value 和以毫秒为单位的持续时间 duration 。一旦 duration 到期后,这个键就无法访问。如果相同的未过期键已经存在,该方法将返回 true ,否则返回 false 。如果该键已经存在,则它的值和持续时间都应该被覆盖。

get(key) :如果存在一个未过期的键,它应该返回这个键相关的值。否则返回 -1

count() :返回未过期键的总数。


  • 0 <= key, value <= 10^9
  • 0 <= duration <= 1000
  • 1 <= actions.length <= 100
  • actions.length === values.length
  • actions.length === timeDelays.length
  • 0 <= timeDelays[i] <= 1450
  • actions[i] 是 "TimeLimitedCache"、"set"、"get" 和 "count" 中的一个。
  • 第一个操作始终是 "TimeLimitedCache" 而且一定会以 0 毫秒的延迟立即执行


  1. constructor

    • 使用 Map 数据结构来存储键值对,其中每个键对应的值为一个数组 [value, timer],其中 value 是存储的值,timer 是该键的定时器,用于删除过期键。
  2. set(key, value, duration)

    • 该方法将给定的键 key 和值 value 存入缓存,并设置该键值对的有效期 duration 毫秒。
    • 如果相同键已经存在且未过期,则返回 true,否则返回 false
    • 使用 setTimeout 定时函数,在到期时间后自动删除该键值对。
    • 如果键已经存在且定时器没有到期,首先清除之前的定时器,以确保新设置的 duration 覆盖旧的时间。
  3. get(key)

    • 查询缓存中是否存在未过期的键 key
    • 如果键存在且未过期,则返回其对应的值,否则返回 -1
  4. count()

    • 返回当前缓存中未过期的键值对数量,直接通过 Map 对象的 size 属性来获取当前键的数量。


  • 时间复杂度
    • set:每次调用 set,查找和插入操作的时间复杂度为 O(1),删除旧的定时器和设置新的定时器也为常数时间操作。因此 set 的时间复杂度为 O(1)
    • get:查找键的时间复杂度为 O(1)
    • countMap.size 的访问是常数时间操作,时间复杂度为 O(1)
  • 空间复杂度O(n),其中 n 为缓存中存储的键值对数量,使用了 Map 来存储键值对。


var TimeLimitedCache = function () {
	this.cache = new Map();

 * @param {number} key
 * @param {number} value
 * @param {number} duration time until expiration in ms
 * @return {boolean} if un-expired key already existed
TimeLimitedCache.prototype.set = function (key, value, duration) {
	const timer = setTimeout(() => this.cache.delete(key), duration);
	const exist = this.cache.has(key);
	if (exist) {
		const oldTimer = this.cache.get(key)[1];
	this.cache.set(key, [value, timer]);
	return exist;

 * @param {number} key
 * @return {number} value associated with key
TimeLimitedCache.prototype.get = function (key) {
	if (this.cache.has(key)) return this.cache.get(key)[0];
	return -1;

 * @return {number} count of non-expired keys
TimeLimitedCache.prototype.count = function () {
	return this.cache.size;

 * const timeLimitedCache = new TimeLimitedCache()
 * timeLimitedCache.set(1, 42, 1000); // false
 * timeLimitedCache.get(1) // 42
 * timeLimitedCache.count() // 1


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