
2559. 统计范围内的元音字符串数

2559. 统计范围内的元音字符串数

🟠   🔖  数组 字符串 前缀和  🔗 力扣open in new window LeetCodeopen in new window


You are given a 0-indexed array of strings words and a 2D array of integers queries.

Each query queries[i] = [li, ri] asks us to find the number of strings present in the range li to ri (both inclusive) of words that start and end with a vowel.

Return an arrayans of sizequeries.length , whereans[i]is the answer to theith query.

Note that the vowel letters are 'a', 'e', 'i', 'o', and 'u'.

Example 1:

Input: words = ["aba","bcb","ece","aa","e"], queries = [[0,2],[1,4],[1,1]]

Output: [2,3,0]

Explanation: The strings starting and ending with a vowel are "aba", "ece", "aa" and "e".

The answer to the query [0,2] is 2 (strings "aba" and "ece").

to query [1,4] is 3 (strings "ece", "aa", "e").

to query [1,1] is 0.

We return [2,3,0].

Example 2:

Input: words = ["a","e","i"], queries = [[0,2],[0,1],[2,2]]

Output: [3,2,1]

Explanation: Every string satisfies the conditions, so we return [3,2,1].


  • 1 <= words.length <= 10^5
  • 1 <= words[i].length <= 40
  • words[i] consists only of lowercase English letters.
  • sum(words[i].length) <= 3 * 10^5
  • 1 <= queries.length <= 10^5
  • 0 <= li <= ri < words.length


给你一个下标从 0 开始的字符串数组 words 以及一个二维整数数组 queries

每个查询 queries[i] = [li, ri] 会要求我们统计在 words 中下标在 liri 范围内(包含这两个值)并且以元音开头和结尾的字符串的数目。

返回一个整数数组,其中数组的第 i 个元素对应第 i 个查询的答案。

注意: 元音字母是 'a''e''i''o''u'

示例 1:

输入: words = ["aba","bcb","ece","aa","e"], queries = [[0,2],[1,4],[1,1]]


解释: 以元音开头和结尾的字符串是 "aba"、"ece"、"aa" 和 "e" 。

查询 [0,2] 结果为 2(字符串 "aba" 和 "ece")。

查询 [1,4] 结果为 3(字符串 "ece"、"aa"、"e")。

查询 [1,1] 结果为 0 。

返回结果 [2,3,0] 。

示例 2:

输入: words = ["a","e","i"], queries = [[0,2],[0,1],[2,2]]


解释: 每个字符串都满足这一条件,所以返回 [3,2,1] 。


  • 1 <= words.length <= 10^5
  • 1 <= words[i].length <= 40
  • words[i] 仅由小写英文字母组成
  • sum(words[i].length) <= 3 * 10^5
  • 1 <= queries.length <= 10^5
  • 0 <= queries[j][0] <= queries[j][1] < words.length



  1. 前缀和数组

    • 维护一个 prefixCount 数组,其中 prefixCount[i] 表示从索引 0i-1 的符合条件的字符串数量。
    • 初始化 prefixCount[0] = 0,方便计算差值。
    • 遍历 words 数组,逐步统计符合条件的字符串数量并更新到 prefixCount 中。
  2. 查询计算

    • 对每个查询 (l, r),结果等于: result = prefixCount[r + 1] - prefixCount[l]
    • 通过前缀和的性质,可以在 O(1) 时间内计算出结果。


  • 时间复杂度O(n + m)
    • 前缀和计算:O(n),其中 nwords 的长度。
    • 查询处理:O(m),其中 mqueries 的长度。
  • 空间复杂度O(n + m),维护了一个长度为 n 的前缀和数组,和一个长度为 m 的结果数组。


 * @param {string[]} words
 * @param {number[][]} queries
 * @return {number[]}
var vowelStrings = function (words, queries) {
	const vowels = new Set('aeiou');
	let prefixCount = [0];
	let count = 0;

	// 构建前缀和数组
	for (let word of words) {
		if (vowels.has(word[0]) && vowels.has(word[word.length - 1])) {

	// 处理查询
	let res = [];
	for (let [l, r] of queries) {
		res.push(prefixCount[r + 1] - prefixCount[l]);
	return res;


1871跳跃游戏 VII字符串 动态规划 前缀和 1+🟠🀄️open in new window 🔗open in new window