
1008. Construct Binary Search Tree from Preorder Traversal

1008. Construct Binary Search Tree from Preorder Traversalopen in new window

🟠   🔖  二叉搜索树 数组 二叉树 单调栈  🔗 LeetCodeopen in new window


Given an array of integers preorder, which represents the preorder traversal of a BST (i.e., binary search tree ), construct the tree and return its root.

It is guaranteed that there is always possible to find a binary search tree with the given requirements for the given test cases.

A binary search tree is a binary tree where for every node, any descendant of Node.left has a value strictly less than Node.val, and any descendant of Node.right has a value strictly greater than Node.val.

A preorder traversal of a binary tree displays the value of the node first, then traverses Node.left, then traverses Node.right.

Example 1:

Input: preorder = [8,5,1,7,10,12]

Output: [8,5,10,1,7,null,12]

Example 2:

Input: preorder = [1,3]

Output: [1,null,3]


  • 1 <= preorder.length <= 100
  • 1 <= preorder[i] <= 1000
  • All the values of preorder are unique.


给定一个整数数组,它表示 BST(即 二叉搜索树 )的 先序遍历 ,构造树并返回其根。

保证 对于给定的测试用例,总是有可能找到具有给定需求的二叉搜索树。

二叉搜索树 是一棵二叉树,其中每个节点, Node.left 的任何后代的值 严格小于 Node.val , Node.right 的任何后代的值 严格大于 Node.val

二叉树的 前序遍历 首先显示节点的值,然后遍历Node.left,最后遍历Node.right






 * @param {number[]} preorder
 * @return {TreeNode}
var bstFromPreorder = function (preorder) {
  if (!preorder.length) return null;
  let root = new TreeNode(preorder[0]);
  let mid = 1;
  while (preorder[mid] < preorder[0]) {
  root.left = bstFromPreorder(preorder.slice(1, mid));
  root.right = bstFromPreorder(preorder.slice(mid));
  return root;