如何拿到美国十年 B 签
美国大使馆由于疫情关闭了大半年,2021 年 11 月,在美国大使馆刚刚重新开放预约的时候,我第一时间预约了面签。 这是我的时间线:
- 12.13:北京面签 B2,通过;
- 12.14:Issued;
- 12.16:到中信银行领取护照,给了十年。
我的 DS160 是自己填的,没找中介,网上有很多手把手教程,这里就不细表了,主要讲一下面签的经验。
- 材料要准备充分,下面会列出我的材料清单;
- 照片可以用 ppt 做成一页 4-5 张的排版,标注好时间、地点、人物,彩色打印下来,带玻璃相框的照片不让带进去;
- 去照相馆拍一张近照带着,我 ds160 上提交的照片是两年前的,面签前一天去重拍了,登记护照信息的时候主动递进去,给我换成了近照;
- 把所有材料贴好标签,分类整理好,面签开始前一堆一堆的摆好,问哪方面的问题就把一摞都递进去;
- 回答问题时尽量主动给面签官一些相关的材料。
- 小红书上有非常多面签经验分享,我把和自己情况差不多的面签问题整理出来,做成了题集;
- 仔细琢磨应该如何回答每一个问题,回答问题的原则是:真实、证明自己的回国约束力;
- 将整理出的题集问题和回答,都翻译成英文,打印出来朗读背诵(最终被问到的问题都没有超出题集的范围)
- 找人用英文模拟面试,把题集里面问题多过几遍,做到每个问题都可以流利地回答。
- 邀请信和邀请人信息
- 驾驶证
- 护照
- 签证页
- 工资单
- 简历
- 合影
- 在职证明
- 公司营业执照
- 居住证明
- 简历
- 工资证明
- 股票证明
- 银行活期证明
- 房产证
- 银行流水
- 旅行计划
- 一家人合影
- 父母工作证明
- 父母房产证
- 父母身份证复印件
- 学历证、毕业证
- 户口首页、个人页
- 护照
- 身份证原件
- DS160 confirmation
- DS160 Payment
- 面签预约单
- 旅行计划
- 预定机票信息,付款前订单页面
- 当场自助照相,10 刀 cash
- 证件照 * 2
- 疫苗接种证明(中英文)
- 你去美国干嘛?Why are you going to the USA?
- 春节期间去看朋友+旅行(递了朋友的所有资料,收了)
- 去美国哪里? Where do you plan to go?
- 按旅行计划说
- 去几天?计划在美国待多久?
- xx 天
- 去过哪些国家?What other countries have you been to (visited)?
- xx
- 你知道疫情回来要隔离多久吗?
- Do you know how long it takes to quarantine?
- 3 周,我远程工作
- 你之前去过美国吗?Have you been to the US before?
- xx
- 你的工作是什么?What's your job? What do you do for a living?
- 递工作证明等,没有要
- 你工作多久了?How long have you worked?
- 你工作的具体内容?tell me about your job.(眼睛直勾勾的对视)
- 你朋友住在哪里?Where does he live?
- 主动说了城市,工作
- 你们怎么认识的?How did you meet?
- 追问了一下,你们是什么时候认识的?
- 你朋友在现在的城市多久了?在美国多久了?How long has your friend been in the US?
- (翻看了朋友资料,看了护照、邀请信、旅行计划、合影,剩下的没看了)
- 最高学历是什么?What's your degree (education)?
- 递学位证明等,没有要
- 你收入多少?How much do you earn (make) each month?
- 递银行证明等,没有要
- 你去美国干嘛?Why are you applying for the visa? Why are you going to the USA? What do you do in the USA?
- I plan to visit my xx during the Chinese spring festival.
- 去美国哪里? Where do you plan to go (travel/visit)?
- xx (Here's my travel plan)
- Why do you want to visit xx city?
- 去几天?计划在美国待多久?
- 准备什么时候去?
- 为什么现在去?
- 去过哪些国家?What other countries have you been to (visited)?
- xx countries
- 疫情回来隔离这么久你怎么办?Do you have enough time to quarantine?
- I got the approval to work remotely during the quarantine.
- 打算在美国住哪?
- My friend's home in xx and some hotels. here is my travel plan.
- 你一个人去美国吗?Will you be traveling alone? Is there someone you travel with?
- Yes. here is my travel plan.
- 你之前去过美国吗?Have you been to the US before?
- 你有朋友一起去美国吗?Is there someone you travel with?
- 你有那么多假期去美国吗?Do you have enough vacation (time) to travel to the US?
- 回国隔离要很久你知道吗?Do you know you have to self-quarantine for a long time?
- 你有详细的旅行计划吗?Do you have specific travel plans?
- Yes here's my travel plan
- 订机票了吗?Have you booked flights?
- Not yet, but I will book these flights once I get the visa.
- 买访客医疗保险了吗?Have you purchased visitor insurance?
- No, but I will buy soem once I get the visa.
- 你的工作是什么?What's your job? What do you do for a living?
- I am a xx. here is my employment certification.
- 你工作多久了?How long have you worked?
- xx years.here is my employment certification.
- 你收入多少?年收入多少?How much do you earn (make) each year?
- I make xx dollars after tax
- 你收入多少?月收入多少?How much do you earn (make) each month?
- I make xx dollars after tax
- 你在这家公司几年了?How long have you worked here?
- xx years.here is my employment certification.
- 你访问美国期间,你的工作谁来负责?Who will take care (do your work for you) your work during your visit?
- myself.
- 你会在美国工作吗?做生意吗?
- No. I will go back to China and continue to work at China.
- 你的职级?What's your job title?
- 你的工作?What's your specific job in the company? what do you do in the company?
- 最高学历是什么?What's your highest degree (education)?
- I received my xx degree from xx
- Where did you go to college? What city?
- What university did you go to for college?
- 你住在哪里?Where do you live?
- I live in xx. here is my address certification.
- What's your major?
- xx for undergrad, and xx for graduate study.here is my diploma.
- 你打疫苗了吗?have you received your covid vaccine? are you full vaccinated?
- yes, I received three doses of covid vaccine. (here is my covid caccine cetifitation.)
- 你在美国有亲人吗?Do you have any relatives (family member) in US?
- xx.here is their infomation.
- 你结婚了吗?Are you married or single?
- 你有小孩吗?Do you have children?
- 你会去美国结婚吗?Will you get marrried in the US?
- 你朋友做什么?What do your friend do?
- He's a xx (Here's his information)
- 他是美国公民吗?Is he a US citizen?
- xx (Here's his information)
- 你知道你朋友的联系方式吗?Do you have the contact information of him?
- Yes, here's his address (maybe show the invitation letter)
- 你朋友住在哪里?Where does he live?
- He lives in xx, here's his address.(Show some paper that has the address)
- 离你上次见到你朋友有多久了?How long have you last seen each other? When was the last time you saw each other?
- xx years.(here is owr photos.)
- 你们怎么认识的?How did you meet? know each other?
- We xx.(here is owr photos.)
- 你们认识多久了?How long have you know each other?
- xx years(here is owr photos.)
- 你朋友在美国多久了?How long has your friend been in the US?
- xx years, since xx.(here is his infomation and visa.)
- 每年挣多少钱?How much does he make anually?
- xx dollars.(here is his infomation)
- 你家人知道你去美国吗? Does your family know you are applying the visa?
- Yes they are very supportive of me.
- 你爸爸叫什么名?What is the name of you father?
- xx. (Here's his info)
- 你父母是做什么工作的?What do your parents do? What are your parents' job? What do they do for a living?
- They are xx. (Here's their information)
- 你父母退休了吗?Are they retired?
- 你父母多少岁了?How old are they?
- 你在国内有什么家人?Do you have any family members?
- 预计这次旅行要花多少钱?How much does this travel take? How much did you prepare for this travel?
- I prepare xx dollars for the travel. here's my bank account information.
- 谁付钱?Who will pay this travel?Who sponsors this travel?
- Myself. I prepare xx dollars for the travel. here's my bank account information.
- 你有房子吗?Do you own any house/property/real estate?
- 你有信用卡吗?Do you have any credit cards?
- 你有些什么财产?What properties do you own?